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Ehab Khalil was naturally inclined to help people from an early stage in his life. He decided to achieve his dream by going into a health care profession to stratify his utmost desire of helping people. He was ecstatic to study Acupressure Massage Therapy, thereafter, he was looking forward to continuing his studies in a similar field to widen his career path into an arena that helps the overall health and well-being of people.

That’s when he decided to pursue his career in osteopathy, which is considered a new revolutionary healthcare career using natural techniques. 
His love of helping people and passion to learn about osteopathy, have propelled him to accelerate in this field through the utter satisfaction of his clients.

Thereafter, Ehab has decided to further his studies in Trigger Points Therapy for the treatment of joints and muscles’ pain and pelvic pain as well as the treatment of Craniosacral Osteopathy and Visceral Osteopathy. Ehab is continuously researching new techniques to enhance his profession and to improve his clients’ discomforts in as little as one session. 

As part of Ehab's continuous self improvement to further assist his patients through various natural therapeutics, Ehab expanded his field of study to cover Naturopathy which specializes in self-healing practices to treat various chronic, physical and psychological disorders such as asthma, allergies, headaches, arthritis, stress, digestive problems, insomnia, skin disorders, overweight, fatigue as well as boosting the immune system to fight cold, flu, and bronchitis through the use of natural remedies and herbs along with diet control and physical techniques such as massage, tissue manipulation and different exercises for natural healing.

Associations and memberships:  
Association d'ostéopathie Ritma
Canadian Union Of Osteopathic Manual practitioners (CUOMP)
National Osteopathic Practitioners Alumni Association (NOPA)
Osteopathy Chronic Pain Clinics of Canada (OCPCC )
Asscociation Des Naturopathes Professionnels  Du Quebec ( ANPQ)
Regroupement des Massothérapeutes du Québec ( RMQ)
Commission des Praticiens en Médecine Douce du Québec (CPMDQ)

Academic accomplishments:  
Diploma in Osteopathic Manual Practitioner (DOMP) - National Academy of Osteopathy,  Ontario – Toronto
Naturopathy - Alive Academy of Natural Health, BC 
Diploma in Therapeutic Massage Therapy / Oriental Acupressure Massage School, Montreal, QC
Diploma in Swedish Massage 400 h, Montreal, Ecole D’Energy Sante, Montreal,Qc
Diploma in Therapeutic Massage 400 h, Montreal, Ecole D’Energy Sante, Montreal,Qc
Osteopathic Treatment of the Uro-Genital System: ( Urinary Incontinence, Uterus Dysfunction & Female Pelvic Pain )
Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM) Techniques Addressing
Respiratory Symptoms - The American Osteopathic Association ( AOA ) and the American Academy of Osteopathy.
Naturopathie Equivalance diploma  - Collège de Naturopathie du Quebéc À Montréal.
Osteopathic for Concussion: prevention, detection and management - University of Calgary & Université Laval
MediCupping Therapy / ACE Institute Online 
Thai Acupressure (Acupressure for Orthopedic disorders) 
Clinical and Sports Nutrition (National Academy of Osteopathy )
Nutrition (Shaw Academy)
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